Returns & Exchanges
To initiate a return or exchange, please visit our returns portal.
All return requests must be made within 14 days after the date of delivery. You will then have a further 14 days to send the goods back to our UK warehouse safely.
We are happy to accept returns or exchanges if the item(s) are in original condition (unused, unworn, and unaltered) with tags attached and in all original packaging.
Please note we are not able to accept returns of face and neck gaiters.
All items must be sent back to us using the labels provided within the portal.
Please note that due to the high costs associated, we are unfortunately unable to offer complimentary returns or exchanges. We recognise the financial impact that this may have, so to ease the process, we offer prepaid return labels via our returns portal at a subsidised rate, which enables you to return items without bearing the full cost. To ensure we are being as fair and transparent as possible, we have outlined the costs below, which will be deducted from your refund amount. We hope that this option provides confidence in your purchasing decision, and that you feel assured in the fact we endeavour to make the returns process as smooth and affordable as possible.
Once the items are received, they will undergo a detailed examination. For returns which meet the criteria, a refund will be processed within 7 business days from the date of the returned package. Please note, if an item does not meet the outlined criteria for a return, a refund will note be granted and we will be in touch to discuss the next steps.
We can only process a refund back to the original payment method.
For exchanges, we will send out your replacement as soon as the examination of your return has taken place.
Costs (as outlined on the returns portal):
- Returns label: £8
- Exchanges: £8 (e.g. you only pay the cost of the returns label for sending your original item(s) back to us - there is no extra charge for shipping out your exchange as we cover this fully)
- Returns label: £35
- Exchanges: £50 (this includes £35 for the returns label, plus an exchange shipping fee of £15 for shipping out your new item)
USA, Australia, Canada:
- Returns label: £55
- Exchanges: £70 (this includes £55 for the returns label, plus an exchange shipping fee of £15 for shipping out your new item)
Rest of world:
- Returns label: £75
- Exchanges: £90 (this includes £75 for the returns label, plus an exchange shipping fee of £15 for shipping out your new item)
Please note:
- For any returns coming from outside of the UK, if the weight of your return is higher than 3kg, you will be charged an extra 50% on top of the prices listed above to cover the additional postage cost associated
- Exchange shipping fees are heavily subsidised. We cover the cost of shipping exchanges fully for the UK and require a £15 contribution for all other regions (this is included in the cost you will see on the returns portal)
- If you would like an exchange and are tight on time, we would recommend requesting a refund on your original order and placing a new order for the exchange item. This will save time as the team are able to dispatch the new order without the need to process the returned item first
- If you refuse delivery for any reason, which results in the goods being returned to sender, then you are responsible for the contents of that order and will not be eligible for a full refund
- We are not able to accept responsibility for any damage that happens during wear. If anything arrives damaged, please let us know immediately so that we can sort this for you.
If you have any questions related to returns or exchanges, please email and we will come back to you within 2 working days.